All items sold at Batak Leather go through our quality control procedures. We inspect every item before it is shipped, and all goods are shipped fully insured in case of loss or damage.
However, there are times when items are defective such as loose stitching and defective hardware. If this is the case for you, we will gladly replace them. Please send an email to outlining your reason within 30 days of order receipt.
If the items shipped are defective or different from the ones you ordered, we will be shouldering the cost of all shipping fees incurred.
If you you want to exchange the item size, you can only do so within 3 days of order receipt. Send an email to stating the reason and preferred size. Customer will be charged for all shipping, delivery and storage incurred. All returned merchandise must be unused and in original packaging.
Batak Leather does not offer refunds for all products sold.